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Local Resources

Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way. Start Your Journey Today.

One of Journey Medical’s goals is to provide patients with as much assistance as possible. That’s why we aim to provide you with a variety of local resources. This list of resources can give you more information on how to combat opioid addiction, where to go to receive extra help, and show you where available recovery groups may be meeting, among other things. We’ll update the list regularly as things change. If you’d like to learn more, then please consider giving us a call today.

Where There's A Will, There's A Way. Start Your Journey Today.

Call Now to Make an Appointment!


Journey Medical is a clinic dedicated to helping others fight opioid addiction. We utilize Suboxone MAT Prescription Therapy, as well as counseling from a licensed counselor, in order to achieve this. Our out-patient program is designed to help individuals gradually wean themselves off opioids. In addition, we offer S.M.A.R.T. Recovery Meetings in order to help anyone who might like assistance.

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